Sunday, February 24, 2008

A Bit About Me

Hi, I'm Gail Lakritz, a starving humorist, who thinks writing is more important than eating.

Have you ever wondered what it is like to be a freelance humor writer? Well, the short answer is life’s a beach, and then you begin to write.

After many years of marriage, I found myself suddenly single. But my off brand way of seeing life and the many experiences it dishes out to each of us, all goes to prove that life begins again when you pick up a pen, or in my case, bash away on a keyboard.

Living in Williamsburg, Virginia, more than just the home of the Colonial Era revisited, has introduced me to life’s just off center experiences and further off center people.


Kath said...

Hi Mother Toad, Gail - I love this. You have a great thing going.

danipa68 said...

Mother Toad, great idea to create a blog. I love your writing.

Gail L. said...

Thank you. I write for myself, but you guys are the icing on the cake.

John Philipp said...

I'm amazed such excellent humor can rise out of an essentially humorless town — if you don't count the clothes they wear in CW and the basketball team at W&M. Blog away, M.T.

penni d said...

wow...took a bit to get on, gail...but i MADE it!! Hope folks like you as well as we at do! :)

Marta Stephens said...

Hi Gail,

Best of luck with your blog. So far so good.

Nina said...

Hi Gail,
Just stopped by to say hello! I like your blog. I started on then got too involved with gather. Stop by if you get a chance.

I look forward to exploring you blog!

Unknown said...

Being slightly left of center myself, I've subscribed to your blog here and also on Gather.

flit said...

you're off to a great start :)

Mummy Audrey said...

Good luck with your blog!

Susan Sparkman said...

Gail, get sitemeter; i's only about $60 for the year and well worth it; I put it on my blog and I have a constant count of traffic along with details regarding referral sites and outclicks.
Take a look at my blog and click on my site meter to sign up for your own.
Good luck!

Chirplady said...

Hi Mother Toad,
What great news to know about this! You are one of my most favorite writers!

I am so pleased to have a way to your writings! I can always use a smile!

Unknown said...

What were you doing up at 3 am, Mother Toad? Nothing funny happens then! Good luck on your blog - I read you often on Gather.Com and I like the way you tilt at windmills. Go ye therefore and blog, MT.

Kenzie45230 said...

I love your sense of humor and your writing style.

bcarlson15210 said...

I always enjoy your stories and find your offbeat sense of humor to be very entertaining.

shirl said...

hi i love all your stories i have read and hope to read more so please let me know when they are ready we will miss you at gather

randee1 said...

this is a great idea MOM, I hope you get all the attention you want from this...
I noticed that a lot of our friends have already stopped by and commented...

Gail L. said...

I thank you all for your good wishes on the launching of my page. And thank you all for keeping up with Mother Toad and her romp through life.

Kim Smith said...

hey Gail! I will certainly link to you. I love the giggles this early in the morning!

Abstract Paragon said...

Hey Momma T!
Love the blog and am looking forward to reading more more more!

Bonnie said...

Hi Gail, I like your writing, you always give me a laugh.

Anonymous said...

Ah, Gail. When someone suggested you take that Saturday morning 'free' Home Depot class titled, "How to install a microwave", they didn't think you'd actually try to do it. That is how you were supposed to meet 'handy' men.:)

LaughSing said...

LOL! Too true, I know a woman who started with a new light fixture in her kitchen...

You're off to a great start, have a BLAST! :)